Thursday, March 1, 2007

March 1, 2007

Ah, meteorological spring is here! Today's weather was a battle between winter and spring. The day started coated in ice and then became very rainy. Now it's quite mild (~40s) but snow is forecast for tomorrow.

On to the first four wonders of Uptown:
The vacant lot behind our house--This remarkable area harbors a population of alley rabbits. They survive on the scraps of our Dumpsters and the litter that is blown into this fenced-in lot. On occasion, a large truck pulls into the lot and drills into the earth. Sometimes other sketchy trucks park here. Rumor has it a building is going in eventually.
The interesection of Lawrence and Sheridan--A mecca for pigeons and pigeon-lovers, this corner is one of the most vibrant in Uptown. There's S&L Pantry which offers photocopies for just seven cents, and J.J. Pepper's which charges $16.99 for a 12-pack of Tecate.
Montrose Point--This triangular piece of landfill is home to a sledding hill, a harbor, dunes and some of the best birding in the Midwest.
The Romanian communist party headquarters building--Its 1960s socialist-totalitarian facade has come down, but it still is an Uptown landmark. The headquarters is adjacent to the Riviera Theater and now is being renovated. Who knew there was brick under there?!

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