Saturday, February 23, 2008

Glacial pace

Thanks to one of the correspondents for this story from Minnesota about how young people are not heading outdoors much. Someone calls state parks "boring" in the story. Not a term I think of often when outdoors. Even the most abysmal parks I've been to have been anything but boring. Sad.

The Chicago Tribune reported that a puma was seen in southern Wisconsin, about 150 miles from here. (I prefer "puma" to cougar or mountain lion for no real good reason.) Seems that the big cats are moving eastward from the Black Hills and elsewhere. It makes sense considering deer are as common as passenger pigeons used to be.

Finally, NPR featured a mildly funny but interesting piece about honey locusts. Seems the common yard tree developed its thorns to protect against Ice Age beasts such as mastodons. Chicago has thousands of honey locusts, by the way, so it's fun to pretend we're residing in a Pleistocene landscape with megafauna roaming around.

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